Housing in Korea, What I’ve Learned

There are a lot of things I've learned while trying to find my own housing. Please add things you've learned in the comments. Also, please correct me if something needs updated/corrected. This is from 2021 How will you find the housing? Apps: 직방/다방 Apps photoshop images, so what you see isn't what you get. Make …

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Are you too Authoritative or too Lax?

Disclaimer these are my methods, they aren't a one size fits all. This is not including point systems (I use classdojo, but that's a positive reinforcement for me, very rarely will I use it as a negative) During Class Time: Did they finish the work before doing what they are doing?If they are done and …

Continue reading Are you too Authoritative or too Lax?

How Korean Schools are Handling COVID-19

Working in a school setting with elementary aged children on a normal day can be filled with germs. How do we keep a world-wide pandemic under wraps? Students don't travel between floors. They stay on the floor their classroom is in. Exceptions include lunch time and if there are wifi problems for Zoom classes. Everyone …

Continue reading How Korean Schools are Handling COVID-19